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MARTIN county

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Lynn Bark Energy Center, LLC is proposing an up to 200 megawatt (MW) solar energy facility in Martin County, Kentucky. We are excited to work in partnership with county officials, community stakeholders, and landowners to bring Martin County residents the opportunity to host a clean, environmentally compatible, renewable energy generation installation.

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Project Facts

size & acres

The project is located in Pilgrim, Kentucky.

The area within the project boundary is approximately

1,400 acres.

The project will interconnect into Inez Substation and serve the Kentucky Power/AEP power grid.

Solar Benefits
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Benefits of a solar project

A solar project provides a healthy, productive economic development opportunity for local landowners to harvest a stable cash crop–the sun. Benefits include positive impacts on the local economy through tax revenues to local governments and support to other local services. Host communities typically experience economic boosts for local businesses and supply chains and opportunities for new jobs–primarily during the construction phase.  


In addition to being safe and compatible with agricultural and rural residential uses, solar energy facilities exist in harmony with wildlife and the environment. They make good neighbors because they operate almost silently without producing odor or byproducts; or attracting additional traffic.


In the bigger picture, solar energy projects provide an abundant, earth-friendly, sustainable power resource to help stabilize electricity costs. These amazing systems contribute to diversifying the nation’s electricity grid.

local economic benefits

Solar power produces direct positive economic impacts by contributing to the economic revitalization of local communities through increases to the local tax base and creating stable revenue to fund local schools and other taxing bodies.  


Solar power also generates indirect positive economic impacts during the construction process as local businesses (restaurants, gas stations, hotels, stores, and more) and supply chains experience an influx of customers.

News & Events

Project news & events

COMPLETED: Public Information Meeting

January 11, 2024, from 4-6 p.m. 

Collier Center (387 Main Street, Inez, KY 41224)


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Erich Miarka

Development Director

Caleb Lemoine

Development Manager

Privacy Notice



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